Remix Project: Alice's (in)famous Adventure's in Wonderland

For my Remix Project, I decided to mix Lewis Caroll's, Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland, with images of celebrities. At the beginning of this class I made a celebrity blog, and decided this direction for the Remix Project would be appropriate to make my assignments cohesive. I originally planned to use the illustrations from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but later thought of celebrities who could be used in place of Lewis Caroll's characters. In place of Alice, I decided to use Alice Cooper (mainly because the only other Alice I could think of was the maid from the Brady Bunch). Elvis is of course the King (just beating out the Burger King for the role), and the Queen was also an obvious choice. The White Rabbit is a Playboy Bunny, whose name I am not sure of. Finally, the Mad Hatter is T-Pain, who often wears hats that always make me think of the story. I obtained all of these images from Creative Commons. The borders and text that were added to the images were obtained from
The first thing I did was edit the images in Comic Life. This allowed me to alter the images into an acrylic comic. I then realized that I am a self-proclaimed Mac user, but I felt helpless without Microsoft Paint. So, I saved everything to a flashdrive and attempted to use the only PC in the house -- a beauty from forever ago that still has a floppy disk drive. To my dismay, someone had removed MS Paint. I was forced to google how to retrieve this amazing application, and after hours of searching was successfully up and doodling in my beloved MS Paint. I opened two windows of MS Paint, one of my acrylic comic images and one of the pages from the book. I resized the images to 80% of their original size and then began with the magic of copy and paste. I copied the borders from the actual pages of the book and pasted them around the images of the celebrities. I then began to copy the quotes from the book; breaking down the words and playing with the constituents. However, I thought it was important to not mix the words up, because I still wanted the quotes to be easily read. After doing this for each picture, I saved them to my flashdrive and uploaded them on The New Small Talk. I decided to post these to my blog because successfully incorporated celebrities into this assignment. Had I not used celebrities, then I would have posted this project separate from my blog.
This project was challenging for someone who has no editing skills other than what she learned in elementary school on MS Paint. My main goal was to create an end product that wasn't horrible, and also to create one that was semi-clever. My purpose was to combine two things that bring joy to my life: 1. Disney Movies, 2. Celebrity Gossip. Since Disney is crazy, I decided to not get sued and use Lewis Caroll's work instead. This assignment also gave me a chance to read Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland again, and I was also able to watch the movie... passing it off as "investigative work" for a project. Overall, I am pleased with the end results, but wish I could have thought of someone to be the Cheshire Cat.
Image sources:
Alice Cooper:
Image sources:
Alice Cooper:
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